Modern app build in Flutter, works perfectly fast on both platforms, Android and iOS.
Now you can transform Your Estate Portal into Fast Android/iOS Mobile App.
Increase your Real Estate portal value, become available in Google Play Market and Apple App Store to Reach Multiple Billion Smartphone Users with minimal investment.
Nice Material Design Elements and Effects are used. Colors, Logos, Texts can be easily adopted for your portal.
On Real Estate Portal side we implemented REST API, this way Mobile App is directly connected with your portal and showing same listings.
Example Apps for testing:
Right now we providing backend apis compatible with:
- (Paid) Best selling Real Estate Scripts on CodeCanyon by sanljiljan
- (Paid) Real Estate Geo Portal Script
- (Paid) Property Listing and Hotel Booking Portal #02
- (Free) WordPress Plugin/Themes WP Directory Kit
- (Free) WordPress Theme NexProperty
- (Free) WordPress Theme Real Estate Directory
- (Free) WordPress Theme Real Estate Golden
App features/screens
- Home With many quick to use options and latest infos
- Advanced search with tabs, sliders and other elements
- Categories nicely presented with images and listings counter per category
- Locations/City grid presented with images and listings counter per location/City
- Map with custom icons per category and search form, can detect nearby locations
- Listing preview page with gallery, zoomable images, custom fields based on website admin
Agent infos, agent contact form, call agent, show on web, navigation link, links to youtube videos - Agents grid presented with images and listings counter per Agent
- Every agent have profile screen with their listings and agent info
- Favorites features and manage options
- My listings features and manage listings options
- Add/Edit listing with custom fields based on website admin
- Manage images, upload from phone directly
- Edit profile details
- Login/Register/Logout/Auto Login
Package content
- Documentation
- Flutter Dart Source Code
- WordPress API plugin
- Script API in PHP
- Visual Studio Code
- Flutter installed
05.03.2023 Init version
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