With the help of this module you can display recommended product at product page and checkout page(One-page checkout/Standards Five steps) by similar price wise. customer can choose their proper product and will encourage to buy correct products. This module can increase your product popularity and rise your sale. Easy to install and no additional settings.
What this module does for you
- Customer will encourage to buy product by viewing this recommended products
- Ability to display custom price wise products
- Can add custom text to change your recommended product title
- Can display higher or lower price wise product from current product price
- When customer will buy product they can see this recommended product and encourage to buy more product
Some Link
Some Screenshot
Screenshot For Product Page
Screenshot For Checkout Page
Screenshot For Module Configuration Page
- You can enable and disable display for checkout page and product page individually
- You can show low-priced or high-priced products from current product price
- You can add custom text to change existing title
- Automatically detect category wise product and display
- You can set custom price for displaying recommended products
- Multiple Languages supported
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