RewardBoss – Flutter Earning App With Auto Generated Quiz and Admin Panel


Rewardboss – Reward Earning mobile app with admin panel is built with flutter and Firebase with stunning design, modules and multiple ad network to maximize revenue and user engagement. The admin panel is also built with Flutter web so that you can experience a blazing fast web experience and easy to use interface to run your application.

New Update:

=> Added Trivia Quiz With Quiz Category and Quiz Fee

=> Admin can add Unlimited Quiz Category and Unlimited Quizzes for the categories

Coming in Next Update:

=> Change all the home screen icons from the admin panel

=> Activate or Deactivate any service of the Home screen from the admin panel

=> New Games to engage users for much earning potential

Admin Panel Url:

Login Details:


password: 123456

(Admin Panel Is Currently in View only mode)

Download Demo App: Download From Google Drive


Daily Check-In: The user will earn points for daily check-in. The point can be customizable from admin panel.

Multiple Ad Networks: Admob, Facebook Audience Network, Unity, and Startapp network Added

Multiple Ad Format: Rewarded Video Ads, Interstitial Ads, Banner Ads, and Interstitial Video Ads Added

Earn And Expense System: The user can earn coins by playing all the modules. But Some module has a fee system so users have to spend some coins as a fee to enter the module.

Lucky Spinner Wheel: The user can spin the wheel and earn points every 10 minutes (To attract users to spend more time in the app).

Scratch Card: The user can scratch cards and win points. But you can set fees to buy a scratch card. A scratch card amount is auto-generated and it is in favor of the admin so that users will get less than 100 points most of the time but sometimes they can get up to 1000 points (To Gain User Attraction).

Trivia Quiz: This quiz is Added By Admin and users can play an 10 questions at a time by paying a fee that admin set at the admin panel.

Math Quiz: This quiz is Auto-generated and users can play an unlimited amount of questions.

Binary Quiz: This quiz is Auto-generated and users can play an unlimited amount of questions.

Word Quiz: This quiz is Auto-generated and users can play an unlimited amount of questions.

Referral System: The user can refer others and both can earn points. The amount of coins is customizable from the Admin panel.

Visit Website: Users can visit the website and spend the desired duration to earn points.

Watch YouTube Video: Users can watch YouTube videos and spend the desired duration to earn points.

Play HTML5 Games: Users can play HTML5 games and spend the desired duration to earn points.

History: Users can check their earnings, expenses, and withdrawal history.

Withdraw Method: The user can withdraw points (1000 points = $1) to the payment method which can be added from the admin panel and customize the minimum withdrawal.

version 2.0.0:
Updated Flutter and Gradle for Android Studio ladybug
Added Trivia Quiz Module
Fixed some bugs
Added new balance reveal animation
Worked on performance improvement
version 1.0.0:
Initial Release

RewardBoss - Flutter Earning App With Auto Generated Quiz and Admin Panel - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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