Salon Booking Management System With Mobile App using Flutter


The Barber is a single salon application for the users to book an appointment for the services. It is built with Flutter that works for both android and ios with a single code base. The codes that are developed will be for both the platforms android and ios.

Admin Login 
User or email:
Password: 123456

User App Login 

Please Create an Account Using Your Own Email ID.
OTP : 1111  *Use 1111 as OTP while verifying account.
v3.0.1 Update 14-OCT-2023

-  [FIX] Verification switch toggle Issue Changes 
-  [FIX] Changed Zipcode datatype to alpha-numeric (database SQL alter query is provided)

-  [FIX] Map Issue fixed
-  [ADD] Steps to change the splash screen image
-  [FIX] The Salon website was not loading correctly
-  [FIX] added country codes for phone number
-  [ADD] Dynamic currency as per the backend
-  [FIX] Removed extra static text from the offer
v3.0.0 Update 23-SEP-2023

-   No Code Changes

-  [UPDATE] Update Flutter SDK from 3.3.4  to 3.10.4
-  [UPDATE] Flutter Packages
-  [FIX] Map Issue fixed
v2.2.0 Update 17-FEB-2023

-   [ADD] SMTP Test Mail Modal
-   [ADD] Documentation Help Button for third party APIs
-   [ADD] User Self Delete Account API (endpoint: /delete-account)

-  [ADD] Version Details in
-  [ADD] User Self Delete Account Feature (endpoint: /delete-account)
-  [UPDATE] Flutter Packages
-  [UPDATE] Android 13 Supported
v2.1.1 Update 16-DEC-2022

- No Changes

-  [FIX] Add/Edit Employee with Image: Helper Issue
-  [FIX] Demo Lock
-  [FIX] Toggle Switch UI
-  [FIX] Responsive UI issue in Employee edit page
-  [FIX] Installer Issue
v2.1 Update 02-NOV-2022

- [MAJOR UPGRADE] Flutter Version to 3.3.4 from 2.10.5
- [ADDED] Appointment Detail Screen
- [NEW] User can select Multiple Time Slots simultaneously.
- [ADDED] Day-Off Status
- [ADDED] Hide Booked Time Slots

- [ADDED] Day-Off Status
- [ADDED] Hide Booked Time Slots
v2 Update 04-OCT-2022


- [ADDED] Disclaimer for Location Permission usage
- [ADDED] Android 12 compatible Installer
- [REMOVED] Bottom Navigation Bar from Booking Flow Screens
- [FIX] Login Error fix.
- [FIX] Grammatical errors fix.
- [FIX] UI Spacings Fix.
- [FIX] Installation error on Android 12.

- [ADDED] Calender Hover Pointer
- [ADDED] Employee Screen: Service Images are now served as linked images
- [ADDED] Offers Screen: Discount Unit beside the label
- [FIX] Toggle Switch Color
- [FIX] Validation Error from Edit Profile
- [FIX] Create Client Sidebar Textfield Text
- [FIX] Appointment Status Text
- [FIX] Delete Confirmation Popup
- [FIX] Create Category Sidebar: Loader Persistancy bug
- [FIX] Create Gallery Sidebar: Loader Persistancy bug
- [FIX] Create Services Sidebar: Loader Persistancy bug
- [FIX] Services Screen: Image was stretching
- [FIX] Services Screen: Refresh on clicking outside delete confirm popup dialogue
- [FIX] Create Banner Sidebar: Loader Persistancy bug
- [FIX] Banners Screen: Image was stretching
- [FIX] Gallery Screen: Refresh on clicking outside delete confirm popup dialogue
- [FIX] Create Coupon Sidebar: Loader Persistancy bug
- [FIX] Offers Screen: Image was stretching
- [FIX] Offers Screen: Refresh on clicking outside delete confirm popup dialogue
- [FIX] Edit Salon Screen: Value was clearing on validation refresh
- [FIX] Edit Salon Screen: Salon Timings validation error text userfriendly 
- [FIX] Profile Screen: Trimmed of Income amount's extra after decimal digits 
- [FIX] Login Screen: 'Forgot password' Button fix.
- [FIX] Grammatical errors fix.


1. Pre-booking appointment
2. Booking management
3. View and cancel the booking
4. Offers and coupons
5. Ratings and reviews

Salon Booking Management System With Mobile App using Flutter - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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