Smart PMS – Project Managment System


Overview :

Smart PMS is a Well Designed Project & Task Management System that gives your client the ability to manage and create project & task.With a Saas version create subscriptions using super admin login.

For Live Demo

URL : Demo URL
Owner : / 123456
Manager : / 123456


  1. User Interface Dashboard.
  2. Role & Permissions Management.
  3. User Management.
  4. Client Management.
  5. Projects and its team members Management.
  6. Milestones Management.
  7. Support System
  8. Contact Management
  9. Support / Notes Management
  10. Company Settings
  11. Account Settings
  12. Application Settings
  13. Email Settings
  14. Multi Languages
  15. Multi Theme Colors
  16. RTL/LTR Theme
  17. Site SEO Setting
  18. Google Recaptcha Setting
  19. Email Notification Template


For any questions,issue or suggestions request please mail me at


 Version 1.6 (30 December 2024)
 * Added Email notification template
 Version 1.5 (28 September 2024)
 * Fixed small bugs.
 Version 1.4 (25 April 2024)
 * Added theme multicolor with custom color picker 
 * Small improvement in theme design layout.
 Version 1.3 (27 February 2024)
 * Small improvement in settings and role page design layouts. 
 Version 1.2 (3 January 2024)
 * Added Landing Page
 * Added Multi Language with RTL
 * Theme Layout Change with Multi Color
 Version 1.1 (5 December 2023)
 * Small improvement in project module
 Version 1.0 (12 April 2021)
 * Initial Release


business management, client management, project, project management, project management system, staff management, task, task management, tasks management

Smart PMS - Project Managment System - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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