Ubercart AWeber sign up


Ubercart AWeber module helps you to get new subscriptions during checkout process. It simply puts additional checkbox, allowing user to sign up to your AWeber mailing list.


1. Drupal 7
2. Ubercart 3.x installed

Installation and configuration is easy:

1. Copy uc_aweber directory to your Drupal modules directory
2. Install it on Modules page (it will be under “UBERCART – EXTRA” section)
3. Go to “Store” and in the “Configuration” panel find “AWeber.com integration”
4. The most important thing is to enter “Mailing list name” – just as you entered it on AWeber.com for your list. You may also disable showing the checkbox (it’s enabled by default)
5. Configure checkbox settings:
– Checkbox order (weight) – right now 0 means it’ll be at the top and above 0 it’ll be at the end
– Checkbox label – label describing the action (like Sign up to our newsletter)
– Checkbox status – decide whether checkbox should be checked by default
6. You’ll see the additional checkbox in the checkout screen
7. When checked, user will be subscribed to your mailing list with his email and also billing first & last name

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