Ultimate GDPR Compliance Plugin for Wordpress & WooCommerce


The general data protection regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the EU. It came into effect across the EU on 25th of May 2018. It sets guidelines and rules for all businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for transactions that occur within EU member states.

Ultimate WordPress GDPR plugin is complied with EU data protection law. Using this plugin for privacy policy will assist you to comply your website with GDPR law and will help you to secure all your users’ personal information. You can customize and display consent/disclaimer boxes.

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Key Features of Woocommerce GDRP Plugin

This plugin adds a dedicated page for GDRP, having following options,

Forget Me:

Allows customers to submit a request to remove all of their personal data. On GDRP page, click on Forget Me option and fill out the form. Request will be sent to admin where he will be able to delete the requested data. A confirmation email will be sent to the customers.

Configuration Options:

  • Show ‘Delete my Data’ button on Forget Me page. You can configure label for this button.
  • Admin can delete data from backend.
  • Configure email options such as subject, body text etc.
  • Select a WordPress page and add shortcode.
  • Enable/disable and delete comments option.
  • Request My Data:

    Allows users to request a copy of their data stored on your website. On GDRP page, click on Request My Data option and fill out the form. Request will be sent to admin where he will be able to export all the data and send it to customer. Admin can also send data directly from backend instead of exporting.

    Configuration Options:

  • Export data in CSV and send it to customer
  • Send data directly from backend
  • Enable “Request My Data” button, you can edit its label.
  • Configure email options such as subject, body text etc.
  • Select a WordPress page and add shortcode.
  • Enable the option to check if a user exists
  • Contact DPO (Data Protection Officer):

    Allows customers to contact website data protection officer using a simple form.

    Backend Options:

  • Admin can enable or disable contact DPO on frontend.
  • Select the WP page and add shortcode
  • Enter DPO email
  • Configure email subject
  • Inform your site visitors that you are using cookies on your site. What types of cookies and how you are using them is the information you need to provide.

    How it works:

    Enable cookie consent popup box & configure cookie expiry date.

    Configuration Options:

    Admin is given the following options to manage cookie settings in this WordPress disclaimer plugin:

  • Enable or disable cookie consent popup.
  • Admin can edit and set the position, text color, background color and opacity of cookie consent pop up messages.
  • Add agree or decline text
  • Read more button text and link.
  • Expire cookie date: Can enter days after cookie expires.
  • Privacy Policy:

    Ensure to users that your web-store fulfills all the legal requirements to secure their privacy. Generate your privacy policy page and enable it in this section.

    Configuration Options:

  • Enable or disable privacy policy page
  • Can select page for privacy policy i.e sample page.
  • Terms and Conditions:

    Specify rules regarding website by which one must agree in order to use the service. Configure and display Woocommerce Terms and Conditions page.

    Configuration Options:

  • Allows admin to enable or disable terms of service and select page its.
  • Confirmation Email Settings

  • Click on GDRP settings, and you can configure confirmation email settings.
  • Integration Settings for GDPR

    Enter other modules integration settings here;

  • Enable GDRP for Woocommerce to add more advanced features
  • Enable option to delete Woocommerce orders if a customer requests to delete all his/her data
  • Disable guest checkout
  • Select privacy policy page
  • Configure privacy policy text on checkout page
  • Enable GDRP for comments
  • Enable user registration for comments
  • You can assign privacy policy page for comments and configure text on comments form
  • This plugin allows you to configure imprint page options and display required ownership information.

    General Settings

    WordPress has built-in partial GDRP feature, you can enable this in general settings. In this case, our GDRP request menu will not be shown and rather default one will be used

    Manage GDRP Requests

    In this section, the admin will receive all requests related to GDRP and can quickly perform various actions such as delete data, export and send data to customer etc.List of all users is shown in this section.

    Ultimate GDPR Compliance Plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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