This is not a stand-alone script, it has to be installed on RKHM platform
This plugin adds “user-point” & “user-badge” support to RKHM
Key Features
- User points: Give users points based on their activities such as purchasing items, streaming, subscribing & etc
- User badges: Give users badges based on their user-points or other filters such as account-age, user-roles & etc
- Auto-assign: You can setup badges and auto-assign them. For example you can auto-assign a certain badge only to users that have active “subscription” to your website!
- Manual assign: Give certain users very customized, unique badges. Admins should stand-out, don’t you think?
- MDI support: Use images as badge’s icon or use a ready-to-go icon from Material Design Icon icon-set!
Ready to help
No matter if you are a supported client, a customer whose support has expired or a stranger seeking answers, feel free to use to ask your questions. We will be more than happy to guide and assist you.
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