WebGuard – Advanced PHP Login and User Management


WebGuard – Advanced PHP Login and User Management is a PHP application, written on CodeIgniter 4 framework with mysql database, which allows you to better manage your users and permissions. The application is also a useful script for developers who want to save many development hours when creating a framework from scratch.
It was designed to meet all user management needs, control permissions and following good development practices and data security, using framework and components always updated in the latest version.

Future Improvements for Version 2.0.0 – Release (2025-02-15)

– CRUD Generator.

– Page Generator

– IP Manager.

– Session Manager.

– God mode.

– Create dynamic dashboards.

– Uploading new layouts to the backend.


✔ Login and registration with email.

✔ Social Authentication using +20 social networks.

(Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Github, Slack, Instagram …)

✔ Multi-Language Support.

(English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic).

✔ LTR and RTL support.

✔ Password Reset and Recovery.

✔ Two-Factor Authentication And Backup Codes.

✔ Remember Me feature on login.

✔ Google reCaptcha and hCaptcha protection.

✔ Authentication Throttling (lock user account after few incorrect login attempts).

✔ Interactive Dashboard.

✔ Unlimited number of user roles.

✔ User Activity Log.

✔ Choice of avatar (No Image, Gravatar, Upload and Social Network).

✔ Adaptive Timezone.

✔ Adaptive Date and Time.

✔ Email verification for registration.

✔ SMS verification for registration.

✔ RESTful API (json and xml).

✔ RESTful Authentication JWT.

✔ CSRF Protection – all forms include CSRF token.

✔ XSS Protection.

✔ SQL Injection Protection.

✔ Allows to be Multi Template.

✔ Twilio Integration.

✔ AWS S3 and MinIO Integration.

✔ Runs on PHP 8.1.0


Demo URL: https://webguard.eduardofiorini.com/

User: admin@admin.com

Password: 123456

User: user@user.com

Password: 123456


View Documentation

Server Requirements

Suggested Hosting – Umbler

Suggested Hosting – Hostoo

Suggested Cloud – Digital Ocean

Suggested Cloud – CloudCone

✔ PHP 8.1.0

✔ INTL PHP Extension

✔ Mbstring PHP Extension

✔ BCMath PHP Extension

✔ OpenSSL PHP Extension

✔ PDO PHP Extension

✔ GD PHP Extension

✔ Fileinfo PHP Extension

✔ Tokenizer PHP Extension

✔ XML PHP Extension

✔ JSON PHP Extension


✔ MySql or MariaDB

✔ Apache >= 2.4.0


If you need assistance please contact us so we can help you in the best way, thanks!

Project Updates

31 December 2024 – Version 1.4.0

- CodeIgniter v4.5.6
- Updated all composer components.
- Adjusted RTL orientation of the layout (side menu and button).
- Adjusted RTL orientation of the login (first access).

12 November 2023 – Version 1.3.5

- CodeIgniter v4.4.3.
- Fixed Add-on Permissions.
- Focus2 Dark Theme (Backend).
- Adjustment in PT and ES Translation.
- Adjustment in the user menu.
- Adjustment in the frontend menu.
- Added RTL Support (Backend)
- Added Arabic language.
- Adjusted when deleting account from profile.
- Adjusted confirmation email tag.
- Documentation has been improved and updated.

08 July 2023 – Version 1.3.0

- CodeIgniter v4.3.6.
- Created the Frontend page.
- Enable and Disable Frontend.
- Pusher notification.
- Add rules in the API.
- International Telephone Input.
- GDPR Cookies, Data and Deletion.
- Allow the API to select more than one permission group.
- Creation of Modules.
- Access permissions on modules.
- Allow to disable the use of modules.
- Using HMVC with WebGuard.
- Other minor improvements.

28 June 2022 – Version 1.2.1

- Fixed responsive in table grids.
- Fixed Side-Menu and button transparency reported by Diego.
- Fixed the "oAuth Authentication" screen the responsive part.
- Updated CSS and JS from Focus2 template.
- CodeIgniter v4.2.1
- Composer Updated all components.
- Field Country and User Language and Edited Profile

29 April 2022 – Version 1.2.0

- Added DataGrid pagination through the database in data blocks.
- Added description of the permissions group in the users list.
- Added email sending test in settings.
- Fixes of "use strict" in DataGrid.
- Fixes in notifications and alerts.
- Fixes in sending e-mail.
- Fixes in user profile update.
- Fixes when deleting user allows to delete their activities together.
- Fixes in recaptcha and hcaptcha.
- Updated all composer components.
- Framework update for CodeIgniter v4.1.9.
- Among other Fixes.

04 February 2022 – Version 1.1.0

- Documentation Update.
- PHP 8.X.X support.
- Framework Update for CodeIgniter v4.1.8.

16 January 2022 – Version 1.0.0

- Initial Release


activity log, advanced, authentication, backup, codeigniter 4, login, multi languages, mysql, oauth, permissions, registration, roles, twilio and aws s3, two-factor authentication, user management

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