Live Demo On Different WooCommerce Pages :
On Product Details Page
On Shop Page
On Category Archive Page
Live Demo On Different WooCommerce Pages :
Live Demo – Shop Page
Live Demo – Product Details Page
Live Demo – Category Archive Page
Plugin Features & Functionalities :
- Increase and boost up store sales by displaying best selling products of each category like AMAZON.
- Display best seller badge on product image of best selling products.
- Display best selling products in same category rank-wise on product detail page.
- Setup different badge color for different product categories.
A WooCommerce extension that highlights the best selling products by category on shop page, product detail page and on category archive page with help of beautiful and colorful badges.
All e-commerce giants like AMAZON ,EBAY highlights the best seller products by adding a “Best Seller” badge on the product image of those products. For WooCommerce store, our plugin does the same. So store owners with this plugin can make sure their best selling products are always highlighted on the right place to achieve even more sales.
On Shop Page : Best seller product of each category will be highlighted with a badge on its product image. Badge content is manageable and it will display text like “Best Seller In Cotton Tshirt”.
On Product Page : On product detail page of any product, that is best seller in any category – a colorful badge is displayed on the product image along with the category name in which it is best seller. This badge in-directly highlights the good sales figure that your product has achieved which leads to even more sales for these best selling products.
Another feature on product detail page : By default, on product detail page, apart from displaying product information, related products are displayed by WooCommerce which are basically randomly choosen products on every page load. Our plugin adds a section “Best Selling Products In {CategoryName}” above this “Related Products” section which displays the top selling products of the same category which the current product has. So if a customer has visited a product detail page to buy a cotton t-shirt, he/she will always see the best selling t-shirts in the “Best Selling Products In {Cotton Tshirts}” section right after the product default information. So our plugin make sure, your best seller products are always highlighted at the right place to drive even more sales.
On Category Archive Page : Best seller product of current category is highlighted with the help of badge.
Badge background-color, text-color, badge design and all the important things are manageable from back-end.
Site admins can also setup badge colors and background colors category wise also. Our plugins generates custom color picker controls on the product category add / edit page.
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