WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing


WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing‬

WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing plugin lets store admin create a matrix style multi level marketing system for their WooCommerce store.

Admin and existing sponsor can share a sponsor reference ID, which allows them to add additional sponsors as per defined matrix.‬

This plugin also includes a Wallet system that helps the store admin manage and monitor commission-related transactions.‬

Additionally, there’s a dashboard for sponsors to view their earnings statistics.

Once integrated, the admin can determine the commission percentage that sponsors will earn. Sponsors can receive commissions from signups, product sales, or upgrades of their sponsored members.


‭Why Matrix Multi Level Marketing plugin is essential?‬

Main Features‬

  • Admin can provide the sponsor reference ID, which facilitates the inclusion of customers as sponsors as per established matrix.
  • Admin also gets access to the profile and associated details of sponsors.
  • Store admin can view the entire genealogy tree of sponsors.
  • The admin determines the commission structure for the sponsor tree.
  • Commissions for new member registrations, upgrades, and product sales are also established by the admin.
  • Admin can set up various levels of sponsorship and prioritize them accordingly.
  • Store admin has the capability to create and adjust sponsor member levels.
  • They can review commission logs for all sponsors within the genealogy tree.
  • Sponsors have the option to send emails to customers to promote products or encourage sign-ups
  • Each sponsor can see their full genealogy tree.
  • Sponsors receive a fixed percentage of commission for product sales, new signups, and upgrades of sponsor members.

Highlighted Features of WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing‬

  • Built-in Wallet Feature
  • The WooCommerce MLM plugin includes a wallet feature that allows the admin to manage credit and debit transactions.

  • Matrix Dimensions
  • After installing the plugin, the admin has the ability to adjust the width and height of the MLM matrix.

  • Referral Code Configuration
  • There’s an option for the admin to create a template for referral codes for the sponsors.

  • Commission Settings for Admin
  • The admin can establish commission settings for sponsors based on their joining, level advancements, and product sales.

    ‭Business Use‬‬

    The WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing plugin makes it easier to handle a multi-level marketing program.

    This Matrix MLM for WooCommerce uses network marketing strategies to boost your online store’s performance. It helps you reach more customers and boost sales.

    ‬Using this plugin, administrators can automate commission payments and gain important insights into how well the referral network is doing.

    Dear Customers, if you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at webkul.uvdesk.com. We will do our best to answer as quick as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ve faced with. We are always happy to help you.‬


    "Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 1.0.0"
    === 1.0.0 ===
    Initial release

    WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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