Word Connect Android Game



Please visit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.codecanyon.trimax.android.worderful
-You need to play at least 30 levels to see all of the features (boosters).
-Please note that the icon, background images and the logo may differ to prevent repetitive content at Google Play Store.
-Crossword game in English and Turkish developed using Libgdx.
-Features more than 10.000 levels in both English and Turkish.
-The dial starts from 3 letters and goes all the ways up to and including 8. The grid is between 3×3 to 12×10 (customizable).
-Other languages can be added. Comes with a level generator. Add your words and translation (and a optionally dictionary) then generate levels.
-Built-in 4 types of boosters that will engage your users: bomb, gold pack, ufo and monster.
-Features animations, combo, screen shaking and various effects.
-Bonus words make users earn coins.
-Daily wheel of fortune rewards with adjustable probability to adjust the outcome.
-Customizable Admob rewarded and interstitial ads, including by GDPR. Rewarded video provides coins and extra moves for levels with bomb.
-In app purhases including remove ads, bundles and coins.
-Features an online dictionary for English. Please see the Popular Questions for details.
-Date sensitive intro, level sensitive in-game background images (See the Popular Questions below for details).
-Various dialogs including rate us, watch and earn, remove ads and etc.
-Designed for phones and tablets.
-Supports 32-64 bit ARM and x86 APKs.
-Includes a 32-page help file with plenty of detail supported by screenshots.

Q: Is the game customizable?
A: Yes, extremely. Settings related to Android, game, UI and sounds are in different files. These files are commented and you can see them here: https://github.com/trimax-items/word_connect/tree/main/game_config

Q: If the customization options you provide are not enough for me, what can I do?
A: If you know hot to use Photoshop or any other similar app, then you can achieve your goal easily. All the steps are detailed in the help file.

Q: How many levels are supported?
A: There is no theoretical limit. Nevertheless, it depends on the number of words enter and configurations you make.

Q: How do you achieve flexibility in generating levels?
A: The generator features a concept called “Level Definition”. You can customize any level with grained options using this concept. To see the level generator options visit here: https://github.com/trimax-items/word_connect/tree/main/level_generator

Q: How does custom background images work?
A: The game automatically shows a different background image on the Thanksgiving day, Halloween and Christmas (if the language is Turkish only Christmas will show up). You can add other days and/or change the images. The game itself has 10 background images and cycles them. You can also add and these.

Q: How does the English dictionary work?
A: The Princeton University Wordnet online dictionary is used. It can be used for commercial purposes and free. This dictionary has been available for many years, however, I can’t guarantee its future.

Q: Can I embed a dictionary into the app for my language?
A: Yes you can but I don’t recommend it because the APK will be bloated. Instead, you should use a PHP web server. The rest is explained in the help file.


March 09, 2021

  • Updated generator source
  • Updated some google libraries
  • Bug fix in IAP functionality
  • Updated how IAP titles are displayed
  • Updated the help document

November 24, 2021

  • Fixed hinting system
  • Fixed an SQL query in generator
  • Upgraded Gradle versions
  • Upgraded Admob to 20.5.0
  • Upgraded IAP to 4.0.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 31
  • Updated UI text for rewarded video
  • Various updates

May 12, 2022

  • Fixed dialog crash
  • Updated Android SDK to 32
  • Various updates

September 25, 2022

  • Bug fixes
  • Various updates to libraries
  • Changed the way interstitial ad appears

February 13, 2023

  • Bug fixes
  • Various updates to libraries
  • Changes to rewarded video ad.

May 30, 2023

  • Updated Android SDK to 33, IAP to 6.0 and admob to 22

October 10, 2023

  • Upgraded game engine to 1.12.0
  • Updated other library versions
  • Fixed a GDPR bug

May 3, 2024

  • Upgraded and updated Android and Gradle libraries to the latest.

June 5, 2024

  • Fixed a crash.

October 9, 2024

  • Fixed a crash.
  • Updated libraries
  • Removed push notification

Word Connect Android Game - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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