WorDroid Flutter is a full-featured Native WordPress blog app with lots of features like AdMob, Analytics, Push Notifications, Dedicated Image Viewer, Offline reading, and much more.
Getting started with this is very easy. Just install the plugins required and put your blog URL and you are ready to go.
1. WordPress V2 API.
2. Automatic Post Notification Via OneSignal.
3. Customize homepage via WP Dashboard.
4. Admob Ads.
5. 15+ themes.
6. Auto dark mode.
7. Threaded Comments.
8. Postviews for every post.
9. WordPress JWT Signin.
10. Child categories supported.
11. Offline posts.
12. Deeplinks supported.
13. Related Posts.
14. Text to speak for post contents.
15. Configurable Navigation Drawer from WordPress Dashboard.
16. Configurable Bottom Navigation Bar from WordPress Dashboard.
17. Notification history.
18. Tags supported.
19. Post search.
20. 3 Notification type.
VERSION 2.1 – Dec 17, 2021
=================VERSION 2.1 - Dec 17, 2021============ 1. Upgraded to latest flutter version. 2. Bug fixes =================VERSION 2.0 - Jul 4, 2021============= 1. Added Post Editor Added with support to upload images 2. Added Facebook Audience Network. 3. Added Author's Post. 4. Added Option to switch Ad network from WordPress Dashboard. 5. Improved OneSingal Notification. 6. Fixed Subcategory issue. 7. Fixed Saved Post issue. 8. Fixed comment signing issue. 9. Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
=================VERSION 1.1 - Apr 11, 2021============= 1. Support for Flutter 2.X 2. Fixed TTS. 3. Fixed some minor bugs.
=================VERSION 1.0 - Apr 8, 2021============= 1. Initial Release
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