Please note that this is an addon plugin, that requires both WPCollageMagic, and Elementor plugin to be installed, and activated in order to work.
Please update WPCollageMagic to the latest version for this addon to work properly!
This addon allows you to add collages – created with WPCollageMagic – to your Elementor pages, and add more styles to them through Elementor editor.
- Display Photo Collages – WPCollagemagic Elementor widget allows you to easily add your photo collages to your Elementor projects.
- CSS Filters – Apply CSS filters, and change opacity of images for both states: normal, and hover.
- Colors – Change text, button, and background colors for overlays.
- Typography – Choose from the many of font families built in the Elementor. Change responsive font sizes, line heights, letter spacings, and many more.
Version 1.0.0 - 01.10.2022 - Initial release.
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