FoodApp – Elevate Your Cooking Journey
Tired of ordinary food delivery apps? Get ready for a revolution in convenience and safety with FoodApp. We’re not just an app; we’re your cooking companion, catering to your every craving and budget.
- Splash-Screen
- On-Boarding-Screen(3)
- Login
- Verification
- Register
- Reset Password
- Home Page
- Add to Cart
- Search
- Menu
- Favorite
- CheckOut
- Map
- Profile
- Tracking
- History
- Chat
FoodApp Demo
You Can Test The App By Downloading The Demo Version
App Features
- Quick Access: Easy login and registration for instant access
- Enhanced Security: Phone verification ensures your account’s safety
- Password Control: Reset your password for data security
- Stunning Welcome: Experience an attractive welcome screen
- Firebase Foundation: Robust authentication and data management
- Favorites: Save your go-to meals with a tap
- Menu Exploration: Confidently choose from restaurant menus
- Cart Management: Easily review and adjust your orders
- Profile Control: Manage your details and enhance security
- Real-Time Tracking: Stay informed with live order tracking
- Instant Restaurant Chat: Personalized communication with restaurants
- Order History: Revisit past orders and reorder favorites
- Location Selection: Choose delivery or pickup with an intuitive map
- Discount Savings: Redeem discount codes for special offers
- Exceptional Design: A visually appealing app
- Tailored to You: Meets your cravings, preferences, and budget.
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Any Operating System (i.e., MacOS X, Linux, Windows).
Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (i.e., Android Studio, VSCode, etc).
A basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart.
Source and Credits
GoogleFonts (Fonts)
Canva (Images)
Freepik (Vectors & Images)
Flat Icon (Community) (Icon)
LottieFile (Community) (image)
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