This addon provides teacher appointment booking facility for Academy lms students. Students can choose tutors for different classes and tutors can conduct their classes as per their regularly scheduled class schedule through online live video or in person both.
As an admin, you can earn commissions when your students pay for booking instructors through your application.
How it work
- Create and manage the subject’s parent and sub-categories for the tutors.
- Add schedules for the students.
- Update or active/inactive your schedule and bookings.
- Configure the live class settings.
- Your students can choose their tutors through an advanced filtering feature.
- Students can book a tutor based on their(tutor’s) published available schedule.
- Students can see their upcoming classes, archived classes, and payment history.
- Tutor and student can start their lessons based on their class schedule through Zoom live streaming service or offline.
Requirements :
- Academy LMS pre installed in your web server.
- Download academy here –
Version 1.3 – 21 November, 2023
- Layout has been improved - Tutor searching issue has been fixed - More minor issue fixes
Version 1.2 – 2 August, 2023
- Now available with the latest version of Academy LMS (v6.0)
Version 1.1 – 23 March, 2023
- All payment gateways are now available - New payment gateway structure has been updated - Student layout updated
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