Art Gallery – TZ Portfolio+ Gallery


Art Gallery is TZ Portfolio+ Template for Joomla. It is a beautiful style for Art Gallery website. If you are an artist or photographer let’s try it

Technical requirement

  • Joomla 3.x. (Recommended Joomla 3.7.x)
  • TZ Portfolio v1.1.4+

How to Install

  1. Go to Administrator -> Components -> TZ Portfolio Plus -> Templates
  2. Click “Upload” toolbar button -> Choose package Art Gallery template -> Click “Upload & Install” Button.
  3. Go to Administrator -> Components -> TZ Portfolio Plus -> Styles (or Click Styles on sidebar) -> Click Art Gallery and Configure it.
  4. Done! Let’s insert your article and go to front-end see your Portfolio new look


Art Gallery - TZ Portfolio+ Gallery - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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