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Kreativ Pricing is Joomla 3 Pricing table module. Display your pricing plans in a nice, cool and creative way. You can diplay unlimited number of tables and up to 5 pricing plan variations..
Kreative Pricing comes with lot’s of styling options and 2 filter nav styles (swither & buttons), and basicly unlimited color variation. You can use custom color options to customize your base colors directly in module settings. That way Kreativ Pricing will fit in on your website just perfect.
Fixed viewport animation not working
Fixed tables not showing on chrome when animations are enbaled.
Fixed animation css file not loading.
Minor css fixes.
Kreativ Pricing v2 is complete rewrite of the module, and its not comatible with older version.
- Complete rewrite
- Improved admin ux
- Now you can add unlimited number of tables. Up to 5 pricing variations (switchers)
- More animations, now you can choose animation type (20+)
- More color styling options, now you can completely style your pricing table
to match your theme directly from module settings. You can choose two style types: gradient and flat… - Improved responsive features. Switchers turn into sliing menu on mobile devices
Now you ca add text information about pricing plan variations. Check out demo…
Added button option to use same default plan features for pricing plan variation. Now if your pricing plan & it’s variation have same features, you can just turn this option on, it will save you time for typing same features again.
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