Online Grocery – Home Delivery Mobile Application With Web Portal PHP Script


Online Grocery – Home Delivery Mobile Application With Web Portal PHP Script

“ Online Grocery is a PHP Script for your website that will help you to maintain the records of customers, wholesalers, items, and orders in a more systematic way. The dashboard of Online Grocery is elaborated yet simple, It is in the form of a graph where you can record the number of orders received in a day. The graphical representation of the summary of orders makes it more manageable and easy.

In Online Grocery, a Vendor can classify the products under different departments such as Skincare, grocery, appliances, kitchen essentials, etc. It notifies all the updated and added items on the list. Online Grocery shows the list of new orders with details and their delivery options. It updates the list of delivered items and canceled items. The refund list is also separately maintained.

The admin at Online Grocery can maintain the list of all the vendors and their detailed profiles. The list of all the customers, existing Vendors, New Vendors, added items can be well-, maintained in Online Grocery. One can update the theme of the dashboard according to one’s preference. The List of all adds item stock units is also available in Online Grocery.

Try our admin demo –
Username –
Password – 123456

vendor demo –
Username –
Password – 123456

Try our Mobile Application–

App Demo Login–

Customer –
Number – 9898989898
Password – 123456

Vendor –
Number – 9998887776
Password – 123456

Thank you for Watching this application. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user Page Contact form here. Thank you so much!

Please check the Online Documentation for more details of the Theme.

Admin Profile –

After registration and login, Admin can perform this following actions:

  1. Login
  2. All vendor/customerlist
  3. Profile detailupdate
  4. All customerorder list.
  5. All vendor item list
  6. New vendor add/update
  7. All customerprofile detail update.
  8. List of all additem category
  9. List of all add item stock unit
  10. update theme settings

Vendor Profile –

After registration and login, Vendor can perform this following actions:

  1. Add/update grocery items on the basis of categories like skin care, hair care ,kitchen essentials.
  2. List of all add/updateitems .
  3. Profile detail add/update.
  4. New orders list and its details and delivery option.
  5. Delivered order list and details.
  6. Cancel order list and details.
  7. Refund order list and details.

Customer Profile –

After registration and login, Customer can perform this following actions:

  1. Login /signup
  2. All store/shop list .
  3. Profile detail .
  4. On the basis of specific store customer select categories (category like skin care, oils, snacks,) and place an order.
  5. Online payment or cash on delivery option.
  6. Order history with status of delivery.
  7. Payment refund on cancellation.
  8. Notifications


  • Responsive web platform
  • Clean dashboard designed
  • Unique Design
  • Android app work with android version 5.0 or later
  • Fully Responsive web portal
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Compatible With Major Modern Browsers

Source and Credit

I am Happy to Credit the Below

  1. Google Webfonts
  2. Photodune
  3. Shutterstock
  4. Unsplash
  5. Wllpaperswide
  6. Fotolia
  7. istock photo
  8. Font Awesome
  9. jQuery
  10. Bootstrap


 Version 1.1  Date 30 August 2022
1. Fixed Login/Sign-up issue 
2. Fixed Change profile image issue.
3. Fixed Add item issue.
4. Fixed Search issue.
5. The registration screen cursor show.
 Version 1.0 Date 30 July 2020
1. Initial Release

Please note that images used in live preview are not included in the package. If you have any questions please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!

Online Grocery - Home Delivery Mobile Application With Web Portal PHP Script - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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