ZF WordPress Category Accordion plugin allows to show all categories as WooCommerce category accordion, WordPress category accordion, also support pages, support any custom post types.
It supports shortcode vs widget with many options. So you can easily configure plugin to display what you want.
It is fully customizable to display categories with 7 color schemes. of course, you also can add more existing colors.
You can buy with price better here :
Key Features:
- Styles management
- Support WooCommerce category accordion
- Support WordPress category accordion
- Support custom post types.
- Pages accordion ( accordion menus )
- Translation ready
- Support ShortCode vs Widget
- Toggle Accordion
- Arrow alignment (left or right)
- Expanded first level child of active category/page
- Open default any parent categories/pages
- Highlight current categories while viewing a single post
- Allow link to parent category
- Support ‘click’ or ‘hover’ event
- Change speed when expanding/collapsing categories.
- 7 default color schemes.
- Support ShortCode vs Widget
- Show/Hide items count
- Hide empty category/page
- Exclude category/page
- Include category/page
- Limit number of categories/pages
Change Log:
= 3.0.0 = * Added styles management * Removed shortcode button in editor * Fixed arrow alignment * Added font-awesome * Added new core system * Added custom css for a style 06.12.2022 - Version 2.5.4 * Fixed style css * Compatible WP 6.0.2 * Fixed bug 23.09.2022 - Version 2.5.3 * Fixed title category * Fixed activate license 16.03.2022 - Version 2.5.2 * Enable/disable highlight categories when viewing a post/page * Update classic theme * Added settings page * Added custom css option
14.11.2021 - Version 2.5.1 * Fixed get id of widget is not working in elementor * Fixed arrow style
06.05.2021 - Version 2.4 * Added .pot template file * Remove de_DE language files * Added translatable and properly escaped * Added "use strict" to js * Fixed warning js
16.11.2020 - Version 2.3 * support custom post types
04.01.2020 - Version 2.1 * Work with WordPress 5.3 * Fixed order by ID * Added choose IDs to open default for widget
02.10.2019 - Version 2.0 * Work with WordPress 5.2
20.08.2015 - Version 1.9 * Added google ripple effect when clicking on link * Added choose IDs to exclude for widget * Added choose IDs to include for widget
28.06.2015 - Version 1.8 * WordPress 4.2.2 ready * Fixed duplicated arrow on widget in some cases
10.02.2015 - Version 1.7 * WordPress 4.1 ready * Allows only include certain Category/Page IDs * Fixed 'order by' field
20.12.2014 - Version 1.6 * Improved open categories while viewing a single post
18.12.2014 - Version 1.5 * Added a shortcode button to the TinyMCE editor * Open categories while viewing a single post
09.12.2014 - Version 1.4 * Fixed arrow css * Fixed small bug of active category/page
05.12.2014 - Version 1.3 * Added arrow alignment (left or right) * Expanded first level child of active category/page * Open default any parent categories/pages * Added german translation
06.11.2014 - Version 1.2 * Added pages accordion * Fixed the antivirus doubts js file * Support Jigoshop, MarketPress Lite, Easy Digital Downloads category accordion * Support WP eCommerce category accordion
24.10.2014 - Version 1.1 * Fixed duration when entering the number value. * Fixed not found '' file * Added classic color scheme. * Added level class to each category link. * Put javascript to footer of page for loading the plugin faster.
ZF Joomla Category Accordion:
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